Hi, I am Carlee Evans. I grew up in the small town of Puckett, MS, where I graduated from high school in 2017. I continued my journey by joining the softball team and completing my Associates of Arts at Southwest Mississippi Community College. After taking a semester to study abroad, I returned to school at the University of Southern Mississippi. In the Spring of 2021, I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Family Sciences with an emphasis in family relations.
In the summer of 2020, I needed to interview someone for the course, Sexuality in the Family System. After following a friend’s advice to reach out to Hope Clinic, I interviewed Karen Sims, where I learned about an organization that aims to serve and educate a population facing a crisis. From the information received through the interview, I became aware of how I could serve my community while also completing hours for my practicum course at USM. In January of 2021, I began volunteering as a receptionist at Hope Clinic.
For as long as I can remember, giving my time for someone else’s needs has brought me much joy. I am passionate about helping people in my community, educating those in need, and sharing the Gospel with all. At Hope Clinic, I do my part in the process, allowing me to see all these passions fulfilled.
Hope Clinic is more than the place I completed my practicum experience and more than the volunteer hours. The relationships I have built, the lessons that I have learned, and the growth I have endured will continue to go with me. One of my greatest takeaways is that every person has a value more precious than gold, a story in need of being heard, and a journey that is unlike anyone else’s. I encourage you all, by God’s grace, to show love and extend compassion to your closest friend and your furthest enemy.