Empower Women, Promote Life” were the words spoken by Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch on December 1, 2021, before oral arguments in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. These words describe the ministry of Hope Clinic and the other 30+ pregnancy resource centers across the state of Mississippi. These life-affirming centers offer a holistic approach with loving care and practical support to women and babies before and after birth. We represent compassionate alternatives to abortion along with quality care during times of social, emotional, and physical uncertainty. Throughout the state of Mississippi, we have been making a difference in the lives of those we serve. In 2019 we provided services and materials valued at 1.9 million; we did 12,351 individuals, $1,350 134 in medical services, $498,195 in family services, and $126,249 in material goods. (Care Net and the Charlotte Lozier Institute). Our goal has always been to promote a culture of life for both women and babies.
As we await the Supreme Court decision this June, we know that we will be here serving women and offering help and hope no matter the outcome! So, the question to ask ourselves is, “Are we ready for a post-Roe era?” Because if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, the medical and practical resources that Hope Clinic offers will be needed like never before. The recent abortion changes in TX have made us keenly aware of anticipating her need to be more significant. To be ready for her to call with more urgency, fear, and questions. Are we willing to not only offer God’s hope but more practical assistance? I believe we are! God has been equipping and preparing all of us, including you. We know not everyone is called to offer their time in service at Hope Clinic, but God may be calling you to give your resources in worship. Will you value the woman and the unborn by turning it into an action of love with your financial support? Let’s join together to ‘empower women and promote life.’