"Lynda," a soft-spoken young woman, shared from her heart the struggle with parenting two children under five and now finding herself in an unexpected pregnancy. Lynda was honest about where she was with this pregnancy and considering abortion.
She also spoke of her disappointment with the father of the baby. Lynda shared he does not want her to have an abortion, but he is unwilling to help her parent or support her in raising her youngest child.
Lynda began to tear-up as she shared her belief that abortion is taking a life; however, she had no hope. She found herself struggling at a crossroad knowing abortion was wrong but also recognizing the immense amount of pressure she currently has with her two children.
Lynda shared about her supportive and involved mother, who told Lynda she wants what is best for her and supports her decision to have an abortion.
When Lynda returned for her ultrasound, she was surprised to see that she was pregnant with twins. Without hesitation, Lynda said that this does not change her mind and that being pregnant with twins solidifies her decision even more to have an abortion. The Care Coordinator recognized the pressure that Lynda was experiencing and gave her room to continue sharing her feelings and thoughts.
She was encouraged that day with God’s word while continuing to empathize with Lynda in her despair.
The day after the ultrasound, Lynda called with an uplifted tone in her voice and said she had changed her mind; decided to keep her babies. She also asked about the new discipleship class that Hope Clinic was starting and about the Connections program that offers diapers and baby clothes. We believe Lynda was encouraged by the staff and knows that Hope Clinic will be there for her.