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Updated: Feb 17, 2022

"HC Friends, those who tell others about Hope Clinic, are just as much a part of this ministry as those who volunteer in the physical clinic."

Recently two such friends from one of our supporting churches brought a young woman, "Nancy," into the clinic. During her appointment Nancy shared that she “could not have this baby.”

Nancy met with a Care Coordinator (CC) at Hope Clinic where she was provided with both practical services and encouraging words. Nancy felt compelled to share about her pregnancy decision and that she was convinced that abortion was her best option. Nancy was overwhelmed with the responsibility of having a fourth child. She was also sad when sharing that she did not have any family or friend support.

As the CC listened, compassion grew in her heart for this women who had experienced so much in her life: rape, abortion, childhood neglect, physical and emotional abuse, attempted suicide, diagnosed mental illness, low-income, no child-care, and much more. The CC, with ease and understanding, began to help Nancy learn about all her pregnancy options. Nancy opened up even more, and she shared that her attempt of suicide came after her previous abortion. She stated that she knew abortion was not right as she was taught in church that it was wrong. Nancy began to value the option of adoption.

She began to consider adoption, “because it would give a family a child and it would give life.”

Through her time with Hope Clinic’s CC, Nancy became more comfortable and vulnerable to share her feelings and thoughts. She also felt heard and understood. We are delighted beyond words to tell you that Nancy is now making an adoption plan! She is working with an agency and receiving on-going help with other life problems. Nancy realized her challenges and limitations, and she accepted God’s truth and realized His hope and love.

Through our initial contact with this overwhelmed young lady a difference was made in the life of Nancy and her family. What a beautiful story! When we all work together, each one planting the seed, from the HC Friends in the local church, to the CC, to the financial supporters of Hope Clinic, and the local adoption agency we all made a difference, we are all vital to serving God’s people.

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

Ephesians 4:16 NLT


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